Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Elsinghorst Wedding July 29 2011

This was such a fun wedding! There was a "bit" of a language barrier on the grooms side and a few of us with some very sore feet but all in all it was a wonderful day! Congratulations again to the new couple!

Somthing a little different!

This was a car show I had been asked to come to and take photo's of the owners and their cars if they wanted too. I had never done anyhting like this before so it was really neat to go around and get all these "detailed" shots of the different cars.

The Wolverton's

This is one VERY busy group.... And it was about to get even busier with baby number 4 on the way!! The kids certainly gave me a bit of a work out that evening for sure....They are such a bunch of cuties  :)

Patrick..Grad of 2012

Brotherly love

This is one of my own personal pictures that I just had to add (sorry about the blurry arm)...I think it is very obvious how much love there is between these two allready at such a young age :)

They grow oh so pretty


A morning at the park with Brycie's pre-school friends

Brennen going home!

Welcome Brennen

Shauna at 8 months

A little bit of winter